Harriet Tubman: Schedule and Standards

Group 1:                                                                   Group 2:
Days 1-4: Read                    Days 1-4: Computer
Days 5-8:  Computer           Days 5-8: Music
Days 9-12:  Music             Days 9-12: Worksheets 
Days 13-16:  Worksheets   Days 13-16: Read
Day 17:  Wrap-Up                Day 17:  Wrap-Up 
Day 18: Test                       Day 18:  Test
Group 3:                             Group 4: 
Days 1-4: Music                 Days 1-4: Worksheets
Days 5-8: Worksheets       Days 5-8:  Read
Days 9-12: Read                Days 9-12: Computer  
Days 13-16: Computer      Days 13-16: Music  
Day 17:  Wrap-Up              Day 17: Wrap-up     
Day 18:  Test                    Day 18: Test 
Directions for teaching stations:

Demonstrate to full class how to get to webpage before splitting class into small groups.  Explain each station and take questions.  

Have students work at their own pace (maximum of four days to complete three assignments)

Follow links on webpage

Monitor progress


Diverse Learners:

Work at own pace, can do at home as well

Can take more time on websites that are more interesting to them than others

With stations, the teacher can monitor and help students more than full class instruction 


Assistive Technology: 

Page Reader & head sets for students to use and listen to webpages without bothering other students with the volume



 7. Answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts and electronic and visual media.

3. Compare important details about a topic, using different sources of information, including books, magazines, newspapers and online resources.

1. Explain how a character’s thoughts, words and actions reveal his or her motivations.

2. Explain the influence of setting on the selection.

3. Identify the main incidents of a plot sequence and explain how they influence future action.  




4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
 Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:
a.identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b.plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c.collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
d.use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.